
Sep 27, 2023
How Do Gender Reveal Confetti Cannons Work? Exploring the Magic Behind the Pop
The excitement and anticipation of expecting a new family member are unparalleled. Over th...
3 Steps On How To Have A Spooktacular Pumpkin Gender Reveal
Nothing says Halloween more than pumpkin carving, which is why many people choose to incorporate it into their Gende...
Frequently Asked Questions About Gender Reveal's
You have just reached the point in pregnancy that you are able to find out the gender of your baby and want to host the most amazing Gender Reveal Party ever! Well, here are some questions that are asked most often and should help with your gender reveal party planning
Timing is Everything. When is the Perfect Time for a Gender Reveal Announcement?
Until the latter half of the 20th century, we had no way to know the gender of a baby until it was born. Even then, not all sonograms can pinpoint the sex of the baby until 18 to 20 weeks into a pregnancy. Not knowing meant there was no such thing as gender reveal party planning as no one knew whether they were having a boy or a girl.

Jul 17, 2019
Gender Reveal Videos are Dynamite with Confetti Cannons and Powder
Beyond the day you announce your pregnancy and before your child's birth, the next most important day has to be the day you host your gender reveal party. Of course, if you are going to have a party, you could probably use a few gender reveal party ideas. If you are, like most proud parents, planning to create a video of the event, we believe confetti cannons and powder cannons are a fantastic addition to your gender reveal videos.
Ensure the Success of Your Gender Reveal with High-Quality Party Supplies
Hosting a gender reveal party is the next best thing to announcing the fact you are pregnant. The last thing you want is to invest in low-quality gender reveal party supplies. Imagine the look on your guests faces when you go to fire the gender reveal cannons and all you hear is a weak "popping" sound. It gets worse when you realize that not a single shred of confetti pops out of the end. What a letdown!

Jun 26, 2019
Gender Reveal Confetti Makes for Great Photo Ops
One of the first things you want to do after finding out you are pregnant is to tell everyone the good news. It's only natural that you should want to share such good tidings. But when your ultrasound images finally reveal the gender of your baby, figuring out how to let everyone know takes a little more planning. Gender reveal parties have become very popular, and the range of gender reveal party supplies includes items such as gender reveal confetti cannons, balloons, powder cannons, and many more items. The list continues to grow.

Jun 19, 2019
Planning on Raising a Soccer Star? Announce it to Friends at Your Gender Reveal Party
Are you looking for unique gender reveal party ideas? If your family is into sports, why not celebrate your revelation with one of our gender reveal sports balls? While sports like baseball and basketball have long been associated with boys, both these sports, as well as soccer, have rapidly gained in popularity for both boys and girls.
Planning Your Gender Reveal - Should You Tell Your Mom Ahead of Time?
Gender reveal party planning can be simple or involved, depending on how much energy you have. But before you get started looking at gender reveal party ideas, you need to schedule an ultrasound, if you haven't already had one. Even the most basic of ultrasound technicians can usually tell the sex of your unborn child at the right stage of your pregnancy.

Jun 5, 2019
5 Old Wives Tales You Should Ignore When You're Pregnant
If your family and friends are like most, they have probably been filling you with old wives tales about pregnancy, and the time right after birth, since the day you announced the happy event. Many of these tales have no basis in fact, while others have been found to have at least some truth to them.
Confetti Cannons and Smoke Bombs Add Excitement to Your Gender Reveal Surprise Party
When you plan a party using our gender reveal confetti cannons, the expecting mother won’t be the only thing ready to pop! A gender reveal surprise party is made so much more exciting when confetti cannons and smoke bombs are used to help announce the sex of the baby.
Add a Kick to Your Gender Reveal Party with our New Sports Balls
There are about as many gender reveal party themes as there are babies born every year. Each couple that throws a reveal party wants to incorporate a little of their personalities into the event, and that leads to all kinds of fun and exciting gender reveal party ideas.