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DIY Gender Reveal Box

A DIY gender reveal box is a great way to gather everybody’s attention and celebrate a big moment that you and your partner won’t soon forget. It’s easy to assemble, relatively inexpensive, and an exciting addition to your party.

To start, you’ll need to gather several helium balloons in either pink or blue. Be sure not to use too many, as they might get stuck and bunch together; you want to use just enough for a dramatic effect. If you’d like, you can also add colored confetti into the box. Then, stuff everything in a large cardboard box, close the flaps, and tightly seal it. We recommend packing tape for a secure seal. You can also decorate the front of the box with fun designs and lettering.

While many people choose to keep the box on the ground, others love to hang it from the ceiling for an unexpected experience. On the day of the party, cut open the box (or release the twine) and let the balloons fly out. The reactions on your guests’ faces (as well as your own!) will be priceless.

Make sure you add to the excitement of the DIY gender reveal box with our inventory of supplies. Gender Reveal Surprise offers sparklers, confetti cannons, and much more.

Are you in a rush before the big day? Some stores carry gender reveal box kits that go with your party’s theme. If you’re in a pinch, store bought kits are a thrilling way to announce the gender of your baby.