Jun 26, 2020
Gender Reveal Confetti Cannons For Your Gender Reveal Party
Have you heard about the latest way many people are announcing the arrival of their new baby? While many people are cutting a cake or throwing paint, why not do something completely different and use confetti cannons instead?
There is truly something very magical about being pregnant and bringing a new life into the world. It is one of those few things in life you simply can't wait to share with your friends and family, if not the whole world!
How To Host A Budget Friendly Gender Reveal Party
Babies are a gift, and an amazing reason to celebrate. But babies are also expensive! When looking into hosting a Gender Reveal Party, I’m sure you aren’t wanting to spend a ton since that sweet new baby is set to be entering the world soon and every penny will be spent on him/her.
Which Reveal Product Will You Choose For Your Gender Reveal?
Decisions, decisions…life is always full of choices and many of them are a lot of fun. Chocolate or vanilla? Snow or Beach? Mile or Spicy? See how much fun decisions can be? And when you are “expecting” and organizing a gender reveal party, you also have tons of fun decisions and choices to make.

Nov 22, 2019
Gender Reveal Confetti Cannons Bring Excitement To Your Big Reveal
As expectant parents, you may choose to ask what gender your baby is going to be or you may wish to be surprised when the baby arrives. Once you decide whether you want to know the gender of your baby right away, you might decide to do it with a bit of fun and flare.
Gender Reveal Parties Are The Hottest Trend These Days
If you have never been to a gender reveal party, they are simple parties much like a baby shower, where the parents entrust one person to arrange a reveal of the gender using the colors pink and blue. The color is revealed in one of many ways. One of the most exciting ways to reveal the gender of your baby is with the use of a confetti cannon.

Nov 1, 2019
Top 5 Gender Reveal Ideas For Your Unforgettable Gender Reveal Party
There’s nothing in life as exciting as the moment when a couple realizes they are going to have a baby. The second most exciting moment in life is when they learn the gender of that much-anticipated future family member.