Gender Reveal Confetti Cannons Bring Excitement To Your Big Reveal
Nov 22, 2019
Best Gender Reveal Party Ever! Confetti Cannon Celebrations
As expectant parents, you may choose to ask what gender your baby is going to be or you may wish to be surprised when the baby arrives. Once you decide whether you want to know the gender of your baby right away, you might decide to do it with a bit of fun and flare. Gender reveal parties are the hottest trend these days where parents can learn the gender of their baby at the same time as family and friends. If you have never been to a gender reveal party, they are simple parties much like a baby shower, where the parents entrust one person to arrange a reveal of the gender using the colors pink and blue. The color is revealed in many different ways. One of the most exciting ways to reveal the gender of your baby is with confetti cannons

Imagine the Excitement and Surprise When our Gender Reveal Confetti Cannons Go Off
The great thing about confetti cannons is that they create a lot of energy and enthusiasm, much like what happens when you set them off on New Year’s or other celebrations. The anticipation builds as people hold these gender reveal confetti cannons in their hands, knowing that the gender of your baby will be revealed in that moment when they are set off together. While there are many ways to reveal the gender of your baby, these gender reveal confetti cannons help to ramp up the level of excitement and allow your guests to share of the joy you and your significant other are feeling, all at one time.

Fun and Festive for Everyone
You could just serve a gender reveal cake, but visibility would keep everyone from sharing in the excitement and surprise. Our gender reveal confetti cannons shoot confetti up to 15 feet in the air, so even if there are not enough for everyone at your party, all your guests can share in the excitement at the same time you do. Our gender reveal confetti cannons are 12 inches or 18 inches long and 2 inches in diameter so they each hold a fair amount of confetti. They contain compressed air and take only a simple twist at the bottom to set them off. With no chemicals or combustible materials, our gender reveal confetti cannons can be used indoors or outside.